Saturday, April 28, 2012

Marching On...

The weather and life commitments have been working against my exercise for the last 2 weeks but I've continued to march on with the weight loss. I weighed in at 288.8 when I was having my health issues at the end of December. Today I weighed in at 270.2 and that was after being up and eating, etc. So I'm excited as that means I'll be in the high 260s next week and I'm nearing 20 lbs. down.

I'm moving our exercise bike to the basement so I have some options for when it rains and is cold. Kelly and I got a little spoiled in February and March with the weather but reality has set in as April has progressed. My plan is to walk on the nice days and use the bike on rainy days. I'm going to stick to 4-5 days a week for my exercise.

I'm not super eager to go back to the gym until winter. I prefer being outside for working out, it feels less like a workout. I watch the clock less and an hour doesn't feel like an hour. On a treadmill or an exercise bike I feel every minute that goes by and I just hate the experience. Plus gym rats annoy me to no end.

So here's to my continued weight loss. 20 lbs. is on the horizon.

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