Thursday, May 3, 2012


Today I weighed in at 268.4 today which means I've lost 20.4 lbs. since starting my exercise routine in January. As always, I could probably be doing better but I'm happy with where I'm at currently. 20 lbs. feels like a big deal. Kelly says that I should get some reward but I really have no idea what. I never really approached things that way. I guess I'll think about it over the weekend.

Kelly and I were talking about it earlier this week. My original goal was to get down to 200-210 lbs. but after seeing myself post 20 lbs., I think I might have some difficulties with that goal. I think I might have to settle more for something like 215-220. My body has changed greatly and I've slimmed down a ton so far. This is probably the smallest I've been since I was 20 and coming out of working at Camp for the first time. I weighed less at the peak of my warehouse days but my muscle mass was different due to the lifting and I looked bigger than I do now.

Kelly and I also are looking into buying Kingdoms of Amalur this weekend. It seems like a game we'd both enjoy so we're going in halfsies on it. If you haven't heard of the game, it was created by Curt Schilling's new game studio.

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