Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dungeon Defenders, Exercise and Stuff...

I took a 2.5 mile walk last night to bring my weekly total to 7 miles on the week. I also hit a new low on my weight to bring my weight loss total to 16 lbs. total. Sickness and a funeral made the transition from 15 to 16 take a really long time unfortunately. But I feel like I'm back on track and ready to start cutting into the other 72 lbs. that I have on the slate to lose over how long it takes. I'm currently trying to talk myself into a 3 mile walk today so I can retire this week at an even 10 walked.

My fitness level is in a really good place. I didn't even blink after my walk last night and when I started in January I was pretty winded after a mile. I'll never be able to run because my knees are trashed but I'm fine with walking and eventually biking.

A week or two ago I bought Dungeon Defenders off of Steam. It's a tower defense game with a lot of RPG elements attached to it. I'm not a huge fan of tower defense games. They always seem like a good concept but I never really find myself sticking with them. I think I hit that inevitable point where I just can't manage my defenses well enough to handle the mass of enemies coming at me.

Dungeon Defenders and I have done a dance for several months. I would see it on Steam, watch the trailer and like what I saw, then decide against it because tower defense games and I don't end well together. Finally, it was on sale for $7 on weekend so I took the dive and bought it. I've slowly added some of the DLC over the course of a few weeks too.

I'm actually really enjoying the game. The tower defense portions are really played down in this game. You have your character, one of four classes in the regular game but you can add probably 5-6 classes through DLC. You set up your defenses and then open the gates. The difference here is that you can use your character to also battle the invading enemies. So if your defenses fail or aren't enough you still have your character to defeat the enemies that broke through.

It also has a lot of loot drops during the missions which I like. Most of it is useless but you get one or two useful pieces of equipment per mission. You can also level up your gear as time progresses as well. Usually a new piece of useful gear means sitting there and thinking about the merits of it over what you have. I like the strategic thinking involved with your equipment in this game vs. the obvious choices other games presents tuo you.

The game does keep you on your toes. The first time an ogre showed up I was not prepared for it and it cost me the mission. The second time, I approached the mission with the specific purpose of beating the ogre and I pulled it off. I'm looking forward to putting some more time into the game.


  1. Your encounter with the ogre kind of reminds me of that old mmorpg game Tibia when certain people would lure in a Cyclops to kill all the lower level people. That was a fun game...ah well.

  2. Tibia is still around. I have the app for it on my tablet but haven't played it. You forget to that they would also drag enemies into the middle of the main town and get a bunch of low levels killed too. I remember they lured a bunch of dragons in once.
