Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hit my goal!

I walked 3.1 miles yesterday and hit my goal for walking 10 miles for the week. Today starts a new week and I may or may not get a chance to walk today. It will depend on how my afternoon pans out. I'm hoping to sneak in 1.5 to 2 miles with some luck and good planning though.

More Dungeon Defenders this morning. The game continues to keep me on my toes as I was attacked by my first boss this morning. It wasn't a huge disaster like the first ogre was though. I had a far better understanding of the game and my towers and the boss was taken down with relative ease. The game is now expanding to having to defend two crystals. I believe that this break provides a good opportunity for me to stop and grind a few levels. I think going forward at level 12 would be a good idea.

I went and visited my friend Justin last night. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing as we hadn't seen each other for several months. We live very different lives at this point. I'm married and working and he owns a store that takes up 100% of his attention. Justin has the right attitude about it though. He understands that life just gets in the way sometimes and that you can mean to text, call or visit all you want but sometimes it just slips by the wayside. I know I can always text and visit no matter how long it's been and we pick right back up where we left off.

Actually, those are the people I keep up with the most. Some friends really lay a guilt trip on me for getting busy and disappearing for awhile. That tends to lead to me just avoiding them because I'm busy and I don't need to hear it. I try to fit people in and sometimes that means some passage of time. I don't need to feel guilty about the fact that I have a life and I can't constantly be in contact with people.

Rant over there. It was nice to get out and hang out with a bunch of guys though. I work with all women and I'm married so I spend most of my time around women. Sometimes it's just nice to be around a bunch of guys and just let loose a little.

I'm going to try and visit my friend more. As I wrote about last week, I'm treating life like it's short and finite. That means no more putting off things like driving a bit to visit my friend at his store.

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