I wanted to use this installment to give you a general idea of what you're looking at if you decided to do TTM. As I post these, you will see some legit big name stars and HoF guys in there. Actually, you'll see a lot of those. But a lot of the guys you'll be targeting via TTM are mid level players. Role players, guys that were good for maybe a few seasons and sometimes, a guy that you only know and love because he played for your team and you remember him.
This time, I'm going to show you my collection of Bulls players from the Jordan years. Now, understand, this is by no means everyone on those teams that sign TTM. These are just the ones I've had cards of and have mailed to thus far. I think after you see the collection of guys posted here, you'll understand who you'll be going after when you mail out your cards:

There you have it. A beloved role player in Steve Kerr. The man who hit the shot to win the Bulls the 93 title in John Paxon. And past that you have some guys you might remember if you were big into basketball at the time. That's it for this Monday, see you next week!
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