Thursday, June 7, 2012

A little friendly advice

When you want to make a point to a corporation, think about what you're doing first. Think about who you're really going to effect with your temper tantrum. Why you ask? Because you're never going to affect the people at the top of the food chain. Your mail bomb, nasty letter, etc is going to affect some person that's just trying to make a buck in a mail room somewhere.

I work in a mail room at an insurance company currently. It's not a bad job, you get to rustle through people's mail and every day is an adventure in what you're going to find. So I thought I would give some helpful advice to people out there. I'm going to reveal the inner workings of corporate America so you understand how it works and can better communicate with said companies.

So let's get into the nitty gritty of my job. I help open all the incoming mail on an given day. This can be as high as 2000 pieces of mail on a big day. We then discern where the letter goes and route it accordingly. My job is a lot more complicated than that but that is one of the basic features of my job.

So here's some advice for you.

1. That letter you sent to the CEO calling him a "dirty inbred pig fucker" will never actually make it to the CEO. That usually goes to a Communication department at most companies. At my company that happens to be a really nice lady in her late 60s that's retiring this year. So she's the one actually reading your opinions on the mating habits of said CEO.

2. This actually happened to me this week. When you get mad at your claim adjuster and decide to be a douchebag and send in 2000 receipts to make a point, that affects me, not the claim adjuster. I have to organize and prep that into something usable for the adjuster's files. They get a nice clean document after my group is done with it. You just wasted a bunch of people's time that has nothing to do with the person you have a beef with.

3. I'm an asshole and my job is boring at times. Yes, I will make fun of your bad grammar and handwriting. Likewise, if you work at a company that has a picture directory. Mail people have to look you up constantly and will make fun of you, remember you if you have an overly horrific picture.

So there you have it, some helpful advice to better serve your needs with your friendly neighborhood corporation.

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