Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Coffee Chronicles

I'm just going to slap a disclaimer on this article. I'm not a coffee drinker. I've tried and I just think it's gross. And I'll add that I don't understand coffee drinkers and their obsession with it.

With that said, one of my least favorite parts of working in an office is the constant drama that surrounds the communal coffee pot on a daily basis. In my old department my co-workers decided to bring in a coffee pot for themselves and the drama started probably within 2 days of it arriving. This drama of course carried over to my new department. My assumption is that these issues are the same in every office you could end up in. These issues seem to always be:

1. Not making new coffee and just leaving a little in the bottom.

2. Not cleaning up messes.

3. Not contributing to the coffee fund.

Now, theses issues don't seem like a big deal on paper. But think about hearing this on a daily... let me say that again DAILY basis. From multiple people, in email and hearing the arguing in the cubicle two spots down for hours at a time. It's just a bizarre world to examine as a non-partisan viewer.

I don't know what it is about coffee that brings out the worst in human beings. It's one of those small things in life that make you realize people will turn on each other in a second in the case of a zombie apocalypse or those episodes of the Twilight Zone where the buddy buddy neighbors turn on each other when weird stuff happens. It's just freaking coffee and why does it have to be so complicated?

And just a side note to this whole conversation. I find people really hypocritical when they bitch about the price of something when they're holding their daily Starbucks coffee in their hand. "What do you mean you want to get pizza, I don't have $5 to contribute, count me out!" Argh...

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. This one had been kicking around my brain for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Good rant. I've never been into coffee either. I drink milk in the morning and if I need a drink in the evening then I get a pepsi or coke or something. That's about it. I'm boring.
