I snuck in
Blue Beetle #2 after writing my post on New Years Day. Blue Beetle escapes the burning building he was trapped in last issue. We get some backstory to Firefist, it's your cliched super villain stuff, and a little more development of Kord and his supporting cast. There are a ton of side plots going on right now. I counted two mystery men in the shadows, alongside another villain up to stuff and a supporting cast member with a terrible secret! That's a lot of stuff swirling around a book that's just two issues old. We also get the final showdown with BB and Firefist. It doesn't end so well for Firefist. Len Wein is a really consistent writer for me and this book proves that. There are a lot of side plots going on right now but I've enjoyed the first two issues a fair amount. They aren't earth shattering but I do want to pick up the next issue and see what happens next.

Friday night, I decided to stay on the same track and read
Blue Beetle #3. A group called the Mad Men attack Kord Industries and the mysterious redheaded man reveals himself as Dr. Alchemy. I'm really at a loss for my thoughts on this series. I have read 3 issues but this book is just all over the place. Two of the supporting cast have hidden secret sort of storylines and an officer is investigating Ted Kord. I like the character of Ted Kord and I really dig him as a hero. I just want a more focused comic book from issue to issue. I don't need to half of the cast to be in deep shit 3 issues into the story. I do plan to keep reading this series though. I want to get to know the character of Ted Kord a little more as I continue to get deeper into the Justice League books.

Saturday mornings are a great time to sneak in an issue or two before my wife gets out of bed so I read
Action Comics #589. I decided I wanted to really explore the history of Superman and the Post-Crisis era seemed like the best place to pick that up. So my goal is to read from the Man of Steel mini-series in 1986 to Infinite Crisis. That's a metric crap ton of comics as there were 4 a month for most of this time frame. I also added in the Justice League from this era, Suicide Squad and the Flash to provide some variety to the Supes fest. I'm not as big a DC fan as Marvel and I've really only read the DCU hardcore since One Year Later happened in 2005 or 2006. I'm trying to stay immersed in DC right now so I don't think you'll see much Marvel appear here for the next little while. This issue was okay. The Green Lantern Corp show up and help Supes battle a living planetoid. This wasn't a classic issue or anything but it was nice to read a much more focused comic after 3 issues of Blue Beetle.
2014 Comic Counter: 7
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