This is a book that I had been long anticipating. Dynamite has taken on the pulp heroes and they've really created something special with their pulp line of comics. I really enjoyed
Masks last year and I have really high hopes for this series.
Chris Roberson takes on the writing duties for this book and
Bilquis Evely is your artist. The cover is by none other than
Alex Ross. I haven't heard of the artist but Roberson did Masks last year and DC books that I've enjoyed.
People are randomly becoming extremely violent in New York. The event happens over and over again and Doc Savage and Co. are trying to find out who. It ends up being a mad scientist of sorts and a larger plot is hinted at as the issue closes.
I have to say, I was really a little disappointed by this issue. The execution was fine and the tone was good. But this is a pulp story and a Doc Savage one at that. Doc Savage should be over the top adventure that never ends. Not a fairly pedestrian mad scientist story. I've only read a couple of the original novels but those are just oozing with action. Exotic locations, fancy cars, science and whatever you could ask for in adventure. I guess I was just expecting more from this series.
I will give this book credit though. It is an excellent jumping on point for new readers. It introduces you to all the characters in the Doc Savage team and gives you an idea of who they are and their relationships with each other. It also would give a new reader a good idea of what Doc Savage himself is all about.
I'm really torn on this. I really wanted to like this book from the get go because it's Doc Savage but this unfortunately left me feeling a little flat about it. I'll probably give this 3 or 4 issues to draw me in and then move on if it doesn't. I'm thinking this was a smaller story to lead into a bigger one. If that's the case then this issue might be redeemed down the road.
Overall this was a well written book but it was a disappointment versus my expectations. I think I'd grade it as a
C+ until I see where the next issues go.