Friday, July 13, 2012

Transformers #81 Regeneration One

In my 20+ years of comic book buying and reading there have been 5 constants throughout. The X-Men, Avengers, Iron Man, Justice League and Transformers. Those books, I've almost always stuck with. The original Transformers series had just ended right before I really started getting into comics. Generation 2 came out and I grabbed that series and remember enjoying it. I have a lot of fond memories of diving into the back issue bins at the local shops and piecing together a pretty complete run of the 80 issue Transformers series.

IDW has had the license for about 7 years I think. The series have all been pretty good. The Marvel series was kind of a mixed bag. It was tied in heavily with the toylines at the time. So you constantly had characters dying and coming back as the new toy and characters just appearing and disappearing to tie in with the toys. I have a lot of nostalgia for that series but I don't know how it would hold up to a modern viewing.

With that said. This book takes up 21 years after that series left off. The War of Cybertron is over and the Autobots have settled into being the dominate power on the planet. IDW works the Wreckers in which were never used in the Marvel books. Kup and the Wreckers become displeased with how Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus are running the planet and head off for adventure. I don't want to spoil the events of the book so I'm not really going to go to indepth on the plot.

The book was okay and I think I will give it a couple of issues and see where it goes. I'm a little annoyed at the series as I don't feel that the original series really needed to be revisited. Plus, there's a disconnect here. It feels like an IDW continuity book with the Wreckers. I didn't really feel a lot of connection to the Marvel series.

And as I stated before, the Marvel series was just a mess towards the end. I don't see why they thought this would sell or be in demand. I guess they suckered me in for a couple of issues. Check it out if you have fond memories of the old Marvel Transformers.


  1. Have you heard that there is a new Transformers game coming out soon? Fall of Cybertron or something like that. Maybe you'd enjoy it.

  2. Hey,
    You've been kinda quiet the past couple weeks. You okay?

  3. Yeah, just be busy and kind of trudging my way towards vacation after next week. I've been meaning to post. Regeneration #82 came out today so I might give that a quick post.
