I've been focusing on current stuff the last month or so which is why there hasn't been an update in awhile. That's how it goes with comics though. Got to try and shave down the read pile from time to time or it will be taller than you in no time. I'm still sticking to post-Crisis DC currently.
Superman #7, is kind of like those 1950s monster movies where some person or creature gets irradiated and becomes a problem. Lois is investigating an alternate energy source when there's an explosion. The creature known as Rampage emerges and pretty much just beats the shit out of Superman for the entire issue. They think Rampage is Lois for most of the issue but it turns out to be the doctor that invented this source of energy. Superman absorbs all of the radiation from Rampage and flies off and discharges it in a rain cloud. Clark shows up at the end of the issue and there are hints that he has had some adventure in the meantime. Really solid issue here as it had a good long fight too it. I really enjoy Bryne's take on Clark Kent and Superman. He's not a dull boy scout by any means in these books.

I read
Adventures of Superman #430 next. This was interesting as it featured the Fearsome Five who are Titans villains. The story here was about how Supes is struggling between his life as Clark Kent and his life as Superman. The give and take was leaning too heavily to the Superman side and it was messing things up for Clark. This was mentioned briefly in the previous Superman #7 issue. The Fearsome Five worked really well for this issue. A nice team of C listers that a distracted Superman couldn't beat but then could take out in easy fashion once he was focused again. I really enjoyed the character work here. Pa Kent gives out some great advice to Clark towards the end. This felt kind of like something you'd read in an issue of Spider-Man in the 70s or 80s. Strong focus on character development and the struggle of being a superhero. I think this issue humanized Superman in a way that I've seen few writers manage to do. I've read 26 issues of the post-Crisis Superman and I think this has been the best issue of the bunch so far. Marv Wolfman really hit this one out of the park.
Action Comics #590 was my third issue for the day. This issue featured one of my favorite villains in Chemo. He's kind of a C list villain that pops up every great once and awhile but he's really cool looking. This was a team up with the Metal Men. Clark falls into a vat of chemicals as the issue begins and this leads to Chemo appearing but with Superman's powers. This was just a ridiculously fun issue. I've never read any Metal Men comics but they are a really fun concept whenever they pop up in something that I do read. This was set up for some series involving the Metal Men post-Crisis so I might have to check it out. The July slate of Superman comics were very strong. Each series brought a really good issue to the table for a variety of reasons. I hope that trend continues.

I finished my evening off with
Justice League #3. It put the wraps on the storyline with the aliens trying to disarm the world's nuke's for the time being. At the end of the issue Maxwell Lord reveals himself finally and introduces the team to Booster Gold. This was a really fun issue as the team is starting to get a feel to it. Guy Gardner is a little too much of a jerk for my tastes but he does make a good foil for Batman, Captain Marvel and Blue Beetle. I've always had a love for team's with offbeat lineups and this book really does have a nice offbeat lineup. This issue also featured an appearance from Rocket Red who also happens to be one of my favorite DC characters. Can't wait for him to join the team!
I have to hand it to DC with this book. They were really taking a chance with this book. They were using it to showcase a lot of newer characters and the tone of this book isn't typical of what DC was like at the time. I'm eager to read more.
I'm running behind where I want to be for my classic comics reading in 2014 but that's okay. Life happens and sometimes you fall behind on stuff. I'm sure a rainy weekend at some point this spring and I'll be back on track with this. My goal is to still focus on DC for the time being. I might get back to Defenders at some point this summer. But that's always up in the air when it comes to me. Until next time...
2014 Comic Counter: 18
I am really close to finishing FF Legend. I might be able to push through to the end with my stats and weapons/armor where they are now, but I'm not going to. For the next two days I'm going to grind when I play to try and get my mutant's strength and defense stats up and also to try and get lucky and have him learn P Blast which is an AOE spell. If it hadn't been for having that spell in Legend 2, I probably would not have beaten it. My human male uses strength based weapons and his str stat is maxed out at 99. The same is true for my human female though she uses agility. My monster is currently a level 13 monster and the highest possible is a level 14 apparently. Once I move to the last world that is where I will upgrade him and call it a day.
ReplyDeleteLet me know if you decide to give this one a go sometime. I can point you to a decent pair of guides that have helped me through the game. Some of the stuff that's needed to advance from one area to the next would take weeks of searching without a guide.